postgresql backup

logical backup

Logical backup extract metadata(with SQL) from postgresql.
Its advantages includes human readable text and better transplantability.


Dump objects or single database into file.

pg_dump [connection-option…] [option…] [dbname]

plain format

Just in one file, long if database becomes big.

backup: pg_dump -U postgres -h -t test > test.sql
restore: psql -U postgres -h -f test.sql

non-plain format

Directory organized, data and table separated, cleaner and easier to manage.
Might use more storage. Transplantability not as good as plain format.

backup: pg_dump -U postgres -h --format=tar -t test > test.tar
restore: pg_restore -U postgres -h --dbname=postgres test.tar


Dump whole postgresql cluster into file.
This command actually calling pg_dump and dump each database in this cluster one by one.

backup: pg_dump -U postgres -h> pg.sql
restore: psql -U postgres -h -f pg.sql

physical backup

Physical backup somehow copies files that related with database directly.
Only physical backup could use PITR technique. If you need to use PITR, please enable WAL and archive log. For this part, please refer to my post;


This command will copy files under $PGDATA as well as tablespace files that outside this folder.
Beware this not includes archived WAL files. You need to backup them up manually.

backup: pg_basebackup -U postgres -h --format=tar -xz -P -D backup
restore: Just copy and unzip required tar files to specific path.

You can also use system commands like cp to manually copy and compress files. But if you do so, you need to stop postgresql cluster first to ensure data consistency in database.

postgresql backup
Rugal Bernstein
Posted on
July 15, 2015
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